If you are looking for a functional medicine doctor in Stamford, CT 06902, or near you, look no further, Vitae Healthcare Center is here for your needs. We service the 06902 zip code along with other areas. We are dedicated to your health and well-being naturally.
If you live in Stamford or other areas around Stamford and are in need of a more natural approach to health care we can help you. Dr. Stec specializes in autoimmune disorders and chronic pain associated with them although she is available for other conditions as well.
When visiting Vitae Healthcare Center you will feel safe in a friendly and accepting environment. We listen to the concerns of the patient and find the best protocol to work for you. With various experience under her belt, Dr. Stec can guide and educate you concerning integrative or functional medicine and how it relates to your condition.
Stamford, Connecticut is in Fairfield County and is the third-largest city in the state. Stamford is a great place to live and home to eight Fortune 500 companies and eight Fortune 1000 companies. Outside of New York City Stamford has the largest financial district in the area.
You can easily locate our office from 06902 zip code:
Vitae Healthcare Center is proud to serve the surrounding communities as well.
We would love to be a part of your wellness journey and look forward to hearing from you. Equipped to answer all of your questions, we hope you will find our team warm and welcoming. Give our trained staff call today to book your next appointment.